Debut Children’s Books Out Now

Freddie by
Jeanette Bowden


Freddie is a fox but finds his life lonely and a good meal hard to find. Watching from the shadows, he has seen that dogs, with carefully chosen owners, have much better lives. ‘Freddie’ is the story of a fox who becomes a dog and through kind deeds and companionship discovers the power of a friendship which never dies.


Owl Stories (part of Owl Communications Limited) will donate 10% of the sale price to Dogs Trust (Registered Charity Numbers 227523 & SC037843) for every direct UK sale of Freddie books, Freddie illustration prints and Freddie cards sold through this website


Albert, a robin and a parrot called Harold by
Jeanette Bowden


Albert is a story about a boy who has become anxious. He has started to forget his friends and the fun he used to have playing outside. Fortunately, help is at hand. A colourful parrot called Harold comes to stay and teaches Albert how to communicate with other birds and the animals that live outside. Guided by his parrot friend and encouraged by a brave robin, Albert regains confidence to step outside and live his life to the full.


“Wonderful writing. So simple and yet so profound”

— Rob Young, award-winning writer and artist